Lady of Light and Shadows C L Wilson 9780843959789 Books

Lady of Light and Shadows C L Wilson 9780843959789 Books
Lady of LightSeries: Tairen’s Soul Book #2
Genre: High Fantasy
Sub Genre: Romance
Sub Genre: Fey, Magic and Elves
Rating: R
For Sexual nature, Violence, Torture, Language
Sexuality M/F of main couple but sex against a person's will of secondary characters.
This follow up to brings the series from romantic fantasy to high fantasy, as Wilson expands her world building and the political intrigue of the land of Elron. The book still surrounds the upcoming marriage of the ‘mortal’ Ellie and Rain the Fey. Ellie’s own heritage is explored, along with the tension her upcoming marriage has on her relationship with her mother and her best friend. There is politics, religion, evil magicians, racism, secrets and mind control at the center of the tale that Wilson weaves.
On the sexual nature front is that Rain swears an oath to not have physical relationships with Ellie prior to the marriage. One problem is that they have sex in the spirit with all that entails. So Fey can have sex via spirit and physically. So they technically don’t have physical Sex but circumvent an oath. Ellie is always like geez I don’t know what came over me. Wow good girl gone bad!
At about seventy percent Rain becomes an asshat as he whom killed millions of people turn away from Ellie, as her heritage is revealed. I understand while it was done, as a way to expand the story, but he is still a full asshat. He would rather choose death than his truemate. He leaves her vulnerable and sets her up be prayed upon. Bravo Rain Bravo total Putz. Oh her guards are more steadfast than Rain. The Fey hate the entire Eld race rather than those Mages who control the people, people who are marked as babes. Then Ellysetta (Ellie) accepts him back, she therefore is an asshat. So two asshats are meant for each other.
Everyone except her guard betray her, and this disloyalty includes her own mother. Wow. Yes Ellie is adopted and this adopted mom is among the worse as she truly loved her daughter but hated magic and fey more. Then I can’t even have a good hate on for her as she goes and sacrifices herself in the end. Blah Blah Blah hells road is paved with good intentions.
Yes, I can be critical of the characters in this book and it’s because they are flawed that I recommend the book. The book is full of grey areas; as the world of Elron is full of grey.

Tags : Lady of Light and Shadows [C. L. Wilson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. No longer able to fight the growing evil that covers the land, Elly must embrace her magical powers and join the man she is destined to love in an epic battle against the armies of darkness. Original.,C. L. Wilson,Lady of Light and Shadows,Dorchester Pub Co Inc,0843959789,Romance - Fantasy,American Light Romantic Fiction,American Science Fiction And Fantasy,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Fantasy,Romance,Romance - Paranormal,Romance: Gothic,Romance: historical
Lady of Light and Shadows C L Wilson 9780843959789 Books Reviews
This is the second book in the Tairen Soul series and yes it continues to be amazing! We learn more about Ellysetta's birth and she really starts to discover the power she holds. Power more than any of the Fey have ever seen. I really love how Ellysetta has grown from book 1. She is more fierce and confident in her abilities. We also discover more of the plans of the High Mage and the intentions he has for Ellysetta. We get betrayal and deception that ends with a battle of the Fey against the Mage. This is storytelling at its best! You will get lost in this magical world. I could not put this book down. Of course we get more of Rain and Ellie together and see more of the threads of their true mate bonds forming. I loved reading the scenes where Rain took her away to 'court' her, of course with her flying a back his Tairen form. These scenes were absolutely beautiful, sweet and romantic. You cannot help but smile when Rain showers Ellie with his adoration and absolute, unquestionable devotion. This series has already made my favorites shelf and I am of course going to read book 3. This is hands down one of the best fantasy romance books. Highly recommended!
Please write more books about this World! There are loads of loose ends at end of series, that can be delved into for more series.
Fantastic continuation of a epic grand adventure of a plain jane like Cinderella type, who discovers that she is so much more than her looks and station would have you believe. Rainier, the King of the Faye, is desperate to save his people and kin from their slow extinction, 1 child born in 1000 years, for example. Yet also the Tairan? spelling? Giant magical fire breathing pumas, of various color patterns, are dieing out as well. The babies are dying inside their eggs, and in trying to save them. Their mommas end up dieing, too. A powerful magic item, called the EYE. Gives the Rainier a murky vision of a green eyed, red haired woman in a allied city. Much to everyone’s surprise, and to Rains’. The kind hearted and unpretentious young lady Ellesetta, is a soulmate to Rain. Which causes trouble of a political and personal nature. 1) She’s a Artisans daughter. 2) She was engaged...see book 1, Lord’s of the Fading Lands,” to get the whole story. 3) Her internal beauty outshines her outer. 4) She has a few important things she really should tell her royal soulmate for her own safety. 5) She’s got a lot of other people extremely interested in her continued safety, or wanting to kill her, capture her, and or use her.
The plot is thick, steady, and a nonstop adventure and it is very easy to care about these MCs. Just buy the series of 5 books. They’re a keeper!
2 1/2 stars would be better. I read the first book ok. Some of it dragged and I swear this “3 weeks until you can get married” crap is endless. The animal form chosen for the fae in this novel is weird. The heroine annoys me but I still want to know how she came to be. Is she fae? Mage? Some combo or something else? I sort of feel like this question IS the whole story and all the other stuff in the book is just filler. Not sure how many books are in this series but I’m pretty sure there’s only developed plot line for one book. I’m getting tired of authors (especially fantasy authors) doing this. Can’t they just write ONE really good book? Not everything has to be in multiples.
Lady of Light
Series Tairen’s Soul Book #2
Genre High Fantasy
Sub Genre Romance
Sub Genre Fey, Magic and Elves
Rating R
For Sexual nature, Violence, Torture, Language
Sexuality M/F of main couple but sex against a person's will of secondary characters.
This follow up to brings the series from romantic fantasy to high fantasy, as Wilson expands her world building and the political intrigue of the land of Elron. The book still surrounds the upcoming marriage of the ‘mortal’ Ellie and Rain the Fey. Ellie’s own heritage is explored, along with the tension her upcoming marriage has on her relationship with her mother and her best friend. There is politics, religion, evil magicians, racism, secrets and mind control at the center of the tale that Wilson weaves.
On the sexual nature front is that Rain swears an oath to not have physical relationships with Ellie prior to the marriage. One problem is that they have sex in the spirit with all that entails. So Fey can have sex via spirit and physically. So they technically don’t have physical Sex but circumvent an oath. Ellie is always like geez I don’t know what came over me. Wow good girl gone bad!
At about seventy percent Rain becomes an asshat as he whom killed millions of people turn away from Ellie, as her heritage is revealed. I understand while it was done, as a way to expand the story, but he is still a full asshat. He would rather choose death than his truemate. He leaves her vulnerable and sets her up be prayed upon. Bravo Rain Bravo total Putz. Oh her guards are more steadfast than Rain. The Fey hate the entire Eld race rather than those Mages who control the people, people who are marked as babes. Then Ellysetta (Ellie) accepts him back, she therefore is an asshat. So two asshats are meant for each other.
Everyone except her guard betray her, and this disloyalty includes her own mother. Wow. Yes Ellie is adopted and this adopted mom is among the worse as she truly loved her daughter but hated magic and fey more. Then I can’t even have a good hate on for her as she goes and sacrifices herself in the end. Blah Blah Blah hells road is paved with good intentions.
Yes, I can be critical of the characters in this book and it’s because they are flawed that I recommend the book. The book is full of grey areas; as the world of Elron is full of grey.

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