Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea Jules Verne 9780760728505 Books

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea Jules Verne 9780760728505 Books
Nice cover and nice paper and good font. That deserves two stars. However, almost all of the reviews are misleading if you think they are talking about this book. Amazon is applying reviews in batch to the story, not to any particular edition. Beware. This edition, with this cover and with "The Discovery of the Great" at the top, is bogus. The closest you come to identifying the publisher is in the back: "Made in the USA San Bernardino, CA 26 February 2018". It will be printed just for you, most likely from text that was originally on standard 8 1/2" by 11". When sent to the printer and printed on 6" x 9" paper stock, most all the lines wrap so you get some short lines and some long - a complete mess! This printer did not even bother to define the right paper size. Also did not bother to print page numbers or anything beyond the Mark Twain text.
Tags : Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea [Jules Verne] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. One of the great masters of science fiction, Jules Verne's boundless imagination took his readers into the center of the Earth and to the far reaches of the galaxy years before such travels could actually be attempted.,Jules Verne,Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea,Barnes & Noble Children's Classics,076072850X
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea Jules Verne 9780760728505 Books Reviews
I wanted to re-read this due to the discussions of removing it from school libraries and required reading lists related the use of a certain word. I read this in the fifth grade, and at that time, it was simply a great adventure of two boys . Now, over 50+ years later I see it in an entirely different light. It is not just an adventure of two boys... but also a social and political commentary on slavery. Now I truly appreciate the significance and genius of Mark Twain. It is a part of our history that we need to study and learn from. Like the Holocaust...we should never forget.
We bought this book for my child’s 7th grade summer reading. For this, annotation is required including underlining. The printing on this book is so so small that I literally gasped when I opened the book. This book should be 3-4 times as thick but they’ve condensed the font size so much to save pages that it is useless to a student. I have 20/20 vision and would struggle. I want my money back but am not going to bother sending it back because it would cost me as much postage as I paid for the “book.” The text size is what I’m guessing to be 5 pt font. It’s shocking!!!! We are headed to Barnes and Noble to get something we can actually use for school.
There are three significant translations of this book, and 's lacklustre book-sorting system creates nothing but chaos when searching for the correct format / translation of this book. I'm here to help!
note (find the version you are looking for with the ISBN numbers I've provided at the bottom of this review, you can just copy and paste them into the search field and hit GO).
Here are excerpts from the three most common translations
Paragraph one, translated by Mercier Lewis -
THE YEAR 1866 WAS signalized by a remarkable incident, a mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon, which doubtless no one has yet forgotten. Not to mention rumors which agitated the maritime population, and excited the public mind, even in the interior of continents, seafaring men were particularly excited. Merchants, common sailors, captains of vessels, skippers, both of Europe and America, naval officers of all countries, and the governments of several states on the two continents, were deeply interested in the matter.
Paragraph one, translated by Walter James Miller and Frederick Paul Walter (1996) -
THE YEAR 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten. Without getting into those rumors that upset civilians in the seaports and deranged the public mind even far inland, it must be said that professional seamen were especially alarmed. Traders, shipowners, captains of vessels, skippers, and master mariners from Europe and America, naval officers from every country, and at their heels the various national governments on these two continents, were all extremely disturbed by the business.
Paragraph one, translated by William Butcher -
The year 1866 was marked by a strange event, an unexplained and inexplicable occurrence that doubtless no one has yet forgotten. Without mentioning the rumours which agitated the denizens of the ports and whipped up the public's imagination on every continent, seafaring men felt particularly disturbed. The merchants, shipowners, sea-captains, skippers, and master-mariners of Europe and America, the naval officers of every country, and eventually the various nationals governments on both continents--all became extremely worried about this matter.
WHAT a difference! And who to trust?
From wikipedia
"Many of Mercier's errors were corrected in a from-the-ground-up re-examination of the sources and an entirely new translation by Walter James Miller and Frederick Paul Walter."
So, the modern translation to seek is either the Walter James Miller / Frederick Paul Walter edition, or the William Butcher edition, depending on your preference for the above excerpts.
And here is how to find them
Walter James Miller / Frederick Paul Walter
kindle edition ASIN B004DNWRPQ
paper edition ISBN1440414262
William Butcher
kindle edition ASIN (appears to be unavailable at the moment)
paper edition ISBN 0199539278
UK -
Walter James Miller / Frederick Paul Walter
kindle edition ASIN B00BIFLLV8 or B00BSK24HI
paper edition ISBN 1438446640
William Butcher
kindle edition ASIN (appears to be unavailable at the moment)
paper edition ISBN 0199539278
Alot of the complaints in the reviews about this book are that "It is too slow", and "It is too difficult to read." Guess what! This is not The Hunger Games or The Twilight Series. This is actual literature from over 100 years ago. Yes it takes work to get through the dialogue. It is not exactly a page turner in that regard. But if you can be patient, and "get into the groove' of the dialect, then you will soon be able to read through the conversation with less effort. It is rewarding! Of course, I am reading this as an adult, and because I chose to do so, and not for a homework assignment. I am glad I took the time to do so, because this to me is what literature is all about. It's rewarding - not just a book you cruise through in two days, and then give it to your 10 year old who also reads it in two days. There is a lot of social commentary, as well as commentary about the inherent decency of man, and what we do to screw up our kids along the way. Critics are correct, this is not a children's book. It just happens to be about a child. Mark Twain was a masterful writer. I hope you take the time to work through this book. Also, the Dover Thrift version does not appear to be censored - as some of the other books are purported to be.
Nice cover and nice paper and good font. That deserves two stars. However, almost all of the reviews are misleading if you think they are talking about this book. is applying reviews in batch to the story, not to any particular edition. Beware. This edition, with this cover and with "The Discovery of the Great" at the top, is bogus. The closest you come to identifying the publisher is in the back "Made in the USA San Bernardino, CA 26 February 2018". It will be printed just for you, most likely from text that was originally on standard 8 1/2" by 11". When sent to the printer and printed on 6" x 9" paper stock, most all the lines wrap so you get some short lines and some long - a complete mess! This printer did not even bother to define the right paper size. Also did not bother to print page numbers or anything beyond the Mark Twain text.

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