Anatoly Medlov Complete Reign Russian Mafia Romance The Medlov Crime Family Series Book 3 edition by Latrivia S Nelson Latrivia Welch Literature Fiction eBooks

Anatoly Medlov Complete Reign Russian Mafia Romance The Medlov Crime Family Series Book 3 edition by Latrivia S Nelson Latrivia Welch Literature Fiction eBooks
Anatoly comes into his own through events that he must learn being a Medlov and the head of the Medlov Crime Family involves. In the beginning of the book, he is hard and unyielding with his business dealings and in his personal life. The family is introduced to Gabriel Medlov, Ivan's son. No one is trustful of him until he finds Royal's mother. Both Dmitry and Anatoly see that Gabriel is torn with being a Fed and a Medlov. He'd learned to hate his uncle Dmitry because of his father but soon realizes that his father was jealous of his older brother's power. Dmitry felt that he owed Gabriel a chance because he could see that there was good in him. Gabriel desperately sought some kind of way to keep his uncle and cousin from going down because they were his family, the only family he had and he loved the way being with his family felt and he did not want to lose that. Dmitry and Anatoy were nothing like he was lead to believe they were, either by the stories Ivan told him or by the info the Feds fed him..By the end the saga, Anatoly has evolved into complete reign of the Medlo Crime Family. He has learned that Victoria had taught him the meaning of lust. Destiny had taught him the meaning of revenge. Renee had taught him the meaning of love. And Gabriel had taught him the meaning of family.
As always, Latrivia does this story justice by keeping my attention and not wanting to put the story down. I just love those Medlov men!!!

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Anatoly Medlov Complete Reign Russian Mafia Romance The Medlov Crime Family Series Book 3 edition by Latrivia S Nelson Latrivia Welch Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
Good read. Lots of action and romance. I appreciated the update on Dimitry and Royal however this was Anatoly's story and I didn't feel like there was enough of him. It seemed like he and Renee were competing with them. I'm grateful Renee's character wasn't an annoying type of woman. I didn't like that she left without saying anything in the hopes that he would come after her. That was stupid. If he had gotten killed or never came she would only have herself to blame for leaving. As an adult she should have stood her ground and talked things over with him. When it comes to running things though he knows what he's doing and he's hard core. I didn't think he should have posted that video online but I guess he killed two birds with one stone because he wanted to do Destiny anyway. Gabriel is a good guy, however hooking up with Briggy is a bad idea. Not just because she's the maid but because she was with his cousin first. That fact alone should have stopped him.
I can say this was a good book. Without doubt the writing was great and I'm still hooked like I was with the first two books in the series. This is why I give this book 4 stars because it would be wrong to give in any less. My problem lies with the character and romance of Anatoly Medlov.
This book did not do him justice. Anatoly is still living in his father's shadow. While I can understand that his father is still teaching him because he is wiser and understands the business better it annoyed me that Anatoly seemed as if he still had not grown up.
I think nothing made me more upset than his relationship with Renee. Honestly, they probably had no more than 20% of the book about them and I think I am being generous. This is why people complain about their lack of chemistry or their relationship seeming forced. I think the author made a huge mistake not including Renee in book 2. At least not mentioning her name a time or two by Anatoly or in passing thought. I liked them together, Renee and Ana. I didn't like him and Victoria or him and Destiny. With Renee is was calmer and I liked that. As I was saying the problem with their relationship was that they were not given a full story. It was more of a side story. So what I am saying is that their relationship was not developed enough. We don't get to read enough about them together.
From book one we get to see hoe Royal and Dmitry interact with each other all the time. We seem them display affection and love for one another. We see them fight with and for each other. We don't see this with Renee and Ana. Even when Renee walked away from Ana (which I completely understand why she did it) It took him forever to go after her. This made me upset because more than anything I feel the author cheated them of a story. The book was mostly about everyone else but them and they have great potential. I don't know if their romance will become more developed in Saving Anya but I hope so. I really love them as a couple but they need their own story.
Renee and Anatoly are together around 40 something percent of the book. We only see Ana think about her until around 70 something percent where they talk again. IMO that is ridiculous!! How can they even have a romance when you don't even allow them to spend time together and talk!! They just needed that....I hope the author does them justice and gives them something more because I am left unsatisfied with their romance. I want more!
Gabriel. I liked him. I didn't care much for Briggy and him together but I liked Gabriel. I didn't care to hear about their romance but the character of Gabriel I liked. I think he added a different dimension to the Medlov men.
I'm guessing that the series ends with Saving Anya but I would hope the author writes another story about Anatoly....a more mature and wiser Anatoly as well a more in depth story of Anatoly and Renee.
SPOILER ALERT ! The Medlov men are interesting! I sort of like the idea of Anatoly and Bridgette, however, it seems that Black women are the preference! I just could not believe that Anatoly became involved with Renee, a character I was not too crazy about from the very beginning she was introduced on 'The Chronicle of Young Dmitry Medlov Series', and the fact that she insisted in calling Anatoly "ana" was quite irritating to me. There was a scene where it appears Renee knew the content of something one of Anatoly's sister wrote to him in Russian, but it was never noted anywhere that she knew Russian, a writer oversight? As for Victoria, not sure what she expected from Anatoly, she behave indecently, and thus was treated as such. Another character I dislike was Destiny, a total idiot. I love that Dmitry, and his whole family attended Anatoly's mother funeral, very sweet gesture, as I was beginning to feel bad for Anatoly when his siblings were given him the cold shoulder. I like Royal overall disposition in this book. I love Anatoly. I love Dmitry. Overall, a good story with an interesting ending! Unfortunately, the writer should have edited the book before publishing. It is irritating that a characters' names get changed, not to mention the labeling "her Latina assistant.." Didn't this character had a name? And the many typographical errors.
Anatoly comes into his own through events that he must learn being a Medlov and the head of the Medlov Crime Family involves. In the beginning of the book, he is hard and unyielding with his business dealings and in his personal life. The family is introduced to Gabriel Medlov, Ivan's son. No one is trustful of him until he finds Royal's mother. Both Dmitry and Anatoly see that Gabriel is torn with being a Fed and a Medlov. He'd learned to hate his uncle Dmitry because of his father but soon realizes that his father was jealous of his older brother's power. Dmitry felt that he owed Gabriel a chance because he could see that there was good in him. Gabriel desperately sought some kind of way to keep his uncle and cousin from going down because they were his family, the only family he had and he loved the way being with his family felt and he did not want to lose that. Dmitry and Anatoy were nothing like he was lead to believe they were, either by the stories Ivan told him or by the info the Feds fed him..
By the end the saga, Anatoly has evolved into complete reign of the Medlo Crime Family. He has learned that Victoria had taught him the meaning of lust. Destiny had taught him the meaning of revenge. Renee had taught him the meaning of love. And Gabriel had taught him the meaning of family.
As always, Latrivia does this story justice by keeping my attention and not wanting to put the story down. I just love those Medlov men!!!

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